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Our story.

We’re a husband and wife team in our 50s (and now 60's) that started our skincare journey believing that we could create something both clean and highly effective that worked for our mature, sensitive and hormonal skin.

That’s when our genderless, minimalistic approach to natural skincare was born.

We believe that in order to achieve clear, healthy and happy skin, a simple, less-is-better practice using irritant-free products needs to be followed to break the cycle of overstimulation, and reset skin's natural balance and regeneration system. So we don’t solve an oily skin problem with harsh cleaners, nor do we solve dry skin problems with heavy creams.

Instead of overwhelming your skin with a mountain of products, a minimalist skincare routine means using only a few products that deliver maximum results. This approach is particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin or those prone to breakouts, as it minimizes the risk of irritation or clogged pores.

We don't believe aggressive ingredients have a place in your skincare routine, and a healing philosophy is better than an attack philosophy. Our products are formulated to help heal and protect your skin from environmental stressors, support the skin's microbiome, and provide essential nutrients that the skin might not be getting from your environment or diet.

In an industry often riddled with unnecessary additives, we've deliberately chosen to cut out the crap. We cut out all the irritants, allergens and sensitizers, including fragrances and essential oils, that can cause breakouts, irritation, and aggravate skin.

Then, we added potent concentrations of rich, hydrating, plant-based ingredients together with high-powered clinical concentrations of actives formulated to deliver healthy-looking skin and address just about every age concern you can dream up.

We're not just selling skincare products; we're promoting a skin health philosophy where everyone, regardless of skin type, tone or gender, can feel confident and empowered.

That's the schăf difference.


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Our philosophy is radical in its simplicity: Less isn't just better. Less is everything.

In a world of endless skincare fads and overhyped miracle products, Schaf dares to be different. We're not here to dazzle you with pseudo-science or promise overnight transformations. Instead, we're stripping skincare back to its essence.

Born from frustration with the beauty industry's excess, Schaf is the antidote to skincare fatigue. We've ditched the 12-step routines, the exotic ingredients you can't pronounce, and the marketing hype that leaves you more confused than confident.

What's left? A carefully curated collection of multitasking products that actually work. No frills, no fuss – just potent formulations backed by science and powered by nature.

Schaf is for the skincare skeptics, the minimalists, and those who value substance over style. Our products are for people who want to spend less time fussing over their skin and more time living their lives.