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Forfait rasage

En soldes
$99.00 $120.00

What is does:

Le pack de rasage Schaf Essentials comprend deux favoris des fans pour une routine de rasage simple.

La crème hydratante Schaf regorge de concentrations cliniques d'ingrédients anti-âge, cette formule multitâche nourrit, renforce et reconstitue votre barrière cutanée, résultant en une peau saine et rajeunie. Sa texture luxueuse est parfaite pour la peau délicate du contour des yeux et son application sur tout le visage fonctionne pendant votre sommeil.

Cette approche globale cible tous vos problèmes de peau en une seule fois, rationalisant votre routine de soins et vous permettant d'économiser du temps et de l'argent.

La crème à raser Schaf est une crème à raser primée qui adoucit les poils et offre une glisse exceptionnelle pour prévenir les entailles, les coupures, les irritations et les brûlures du rasoir pour un rasage le plus doux, le plus confortable (et le plus agréable) imaginable.

Cette crème à raser non parfumée est formulée avec un mélange apaisant d'huile de noix de coco et d'émollients à base de plantes pour protéger votre peau des traumatismes dus au rasage. L'aloès aide à apaiser les irritations et l'acide hyaluronique hydrate la peau déshydratée. Sans parfum et sans savon, même les peaux sensibles l'adoreront !

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What our customers are saying.

"Great For Sensitive Skin"

"I am a lover of natural and organic makeup and skincare, and about two years ago, starting investing heavily into it... I spent hundreds on the high end organic stuff! But after about a year of daily use, I started to develop puffiness and eczema around my eyes. I had no idea what is was from, considering I was using all natural products that were made for specifically for sensitive skin, I never considered it was my skincare. I tried topical steroids and everything but it wouldn't budge. Finally realized that my skin developed a sensitivity to repeated exposure to essential oils and other natural/organic ingredients. Although natural is the way to go, it can still be irritating to your skin if you're not careful. It was SO hard to find a skincare line that was natural + free of essential oils and other irritants. So many lines and products claimed to be calming, soothing, skin friendly, but were full of lavender, lemon, and other things that were irritating my skin right from the beginning, but took time to develop into a full on eczema. Schaf is the only line I have found that works! Switched out all of my expensive products for their line and my eczema is gone. It comes back if I use anything else that contains irritants, even if they are natural or 'skin soothing!'. And the products work GREAT. I can't recommend enough. If you are someone who is having skin issues and aren't sure why/how, I really recommend this line and wish you the best of luck on your journey! "

Evan C.