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Into The Gloss

Excerpt from Into The Gloss, 

Pauline Chalamet, Actor


My best friend, Lily, is a skincare queen. Even when we were in high school, she’d say, ‘Oh my God. How are you not putting on any moisturizer?!’ It wasn’t until she gave me a sample of Schaf’s moisturizer that I was like, ‘Wait, I want to care about what I put on my face.’ Especially as I started working more and I had all this makeup on me, I wasn’t taking care of my skin and I could feel it for the first time. I tried putting olive oil on my face for a while—until a makeup artist told me it might clog my pores. But Schaf’s very basic moisturizer was my entry way in.


From there, I fell in love with Schaf’s facial scrub, which I use once or twice a week. I’ve become a full stan of the whole brand. I also don’t know if I’m a total sucker, but whenever I order products from them, there’s a note that says, ‘Thanks for ordering. Take care, Peter.’ I don’t know if it’s a fake handwritten note, but I like to believe it’s real.

Read the full article here